Reminder: Respond to FCRA Queries on Time to Avoid Denial of Applications
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Government of India Ministry of nome Affairs
(Foreigners-II Division-FCRA)
1st Floor, Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium
India Gate Circle, New Delhi
Dated: December, 2024
Subject: Prompt response of clarifications sought in respect of Registration/ Renewal/ Prior permission applications under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010.
- The applications of registration, renewal and prior permission under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 are processed completely online in the FCRA portal. While processing the applications, wherever any deficiency in information/document is observed, relevant information/document is sought from the applicant association by raising queries/clarifications in the FCRA portal. A system generated e-mail is also sent to applicant associations informing them that a clarification has been requested and they need to log on to and to see the details and take necessary action and provide response on portal itself. As complete processing of applications is done only on electronic mode on FCRA portal, no paper mode communication is sent or entertained.
- It has been observed that some applicant associations do not respond to queries/clarifications sought by this Ministry. Not responding to clarifications or uploading incomplete information/documents in response to queries/clarifications leads to denial of their application. In view of this, the applicant associations are advised to regularly log on to their FCRA portal account ( & e-mai1 account and promptly respond to the queries/clarifications to avoid denial of their applications.
- This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Saurabh Bansal
Joint Director